Historia de las versiones

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Version 5.23 - Build 27 January 2004

Bug fixes

    Relative time changes on file and folder ignores seconds offset value

Version 5.22a - Build 4 January 2004


    Version resource strings incorrect on About tab

Version 5.22 - Build 2 January 2004

Bug fixes

    Problems with DPI settings > 96
    Fixed errors in User's guide (CHM help file)


    Optimized installation script
    Use LZMA compression in NSIS 2.0 installer

Version 5.21 - Build 4 November 2003

Bug fixes

    Registry handle not closed in shell extension
    Duplicate menu entries in context menu (Explorer with activated folder view)
    Shell extension menu entry should now rework on NT 4.0

Version 5.20a - Build 20 August 2003

Bug fixes

    Startup error message when selecting multiple objects in French version

Version 5.20 - Build 27 July 2003

Bug fixes

    .LNK and .URL files couldn't be changed
    Fixed errors in User's guide (CHM help file)
    Drag & Drop for file and folder exceptions broken 

Version 5.20 - Build 20 July 2003

New features

    E-Mail and Website information on About tab are now clickable
    ESC key now cancels processing thread
    ESC key now quits application and any dialog box

Bug fixes

    Corrupted resource strings in french version
    Translated forgotten strings in french version
    Folder filters not enabled for single selection with active 'Recurse folders' option
    Folder exceptions not enabled for single selection with active 'Recurse folders' option
    Installer now takes care of user selected installation path and program group

Version 5.0 - Build 21 April 2003

New features

    Multi-Language installer now based on NSIS Install Sistema
    Absolute date/time settings are now the defaults
    Position of context menu item can be configured
    Resource DLL for localization strings
    OK button to apply changes and immediately quit the application
    Relative file and folder time adjustmentss
    Relative file and folder date adjustments
    Display current attributes, date and time
    Independant values for Accessed, Modified and Created date/time properties
    Enhanced absolute date and time properties
    Make use of font smoothing when available


    Redesigned graphical user interface
    Improved context-sensitive help
    Improved help file 

Version 4.20 - Build 4 August 2002

New features

    Added code to support localizations


    Compress option in attribute filters not correctly enabled/disabled
    Index option in attribute filters not correctly enabled/disabled
    Focus problem in file and folder filters
    Drag and Drop problem in listviews


    Improved help file

Version 4.10 - Build 1 May 2002


    file and folder date/time filters don't work correctly
    Filter and Exception global settings are not saved in the registry
    Settings on Tuning tab are not correctly saved in the registry
    Application crash when launched from drive context menu


    Added support for Windows XP themes

Version 4.0a  -  Build 26 December 2001

Bug fixes

    Decompression of files and folders when altering date stamp
    Explorer.exe crashes on WinXP when exploring Start menu items

Version 4.0  -  Build 11 December 2001

New features

    COM in-process server for multi-selection
    Universal attribute changer program
    Root folder attributes now changed as well
    Change Created, Modified, Accessed date/time properties
    Filter Created, Modified, Accessed date/time properties


    Complete rewrote of processing engine
    Minor graphical interface changes (new icons etc.)
    Redesigned and updated help file now in HTML format

Version 3.0a  -  Build 17 April 2001


    Reduced help file size by 800Kb (optimized images)
    Installation now build with Inno Setup and ISTool

Bug fixes

    æCreated afterÆ date/time file filter does not work correctly
    æCreated afterÆ date/time folder filter does not work correctly
    Blue screen on Win98 when accessing files and folders with corrupt dates

Version 3.0  -  Build 12 February 2001

New features

    Filters and Exceptions for folders
    file and folder filter options
        - search for creation date after <date>
        - search for creation date before <date>
        - search for creation time after <time>
        - search for creation time before <time>
    Additional file filter options
        - search for size greater <size>
        - search for size smaller <size>
    ═ndice attribute now supported on Win2K platform for files and folders
    Comprimir attribute now supported for folders
    Setting creation date and time on files/folders can be masked (partial modifications)
    Popup menu entry to clear result list
    Options to reset date/time to the current stamp
    Drag and drop supported for exception dialogs (include group drag and drop)
    Shortcuts (Ins, Del, Ctrl+A, F2) supported in Exception dialog box
    Repair corrupt folder dates (NT/2000 only)
    Button to call userÆs guide from About tab


    Finished the reengineering of Attribute Changer's code
    Redesigned exception dialogs
    Improved online help (? in Attribute Changer title bar)
    Updated help file
    Automatic registry update from any release to version 3.0 (migrates old data)
    Updated self-healing mechanism

Bug fixes

    file exceptions without folder part are not processed (ex. *.DLL)
    file exceptions with wildcards (*.BMP) also processed in subfolders
    folder time set to file time if file and folder time modifications are selected

Version 2.50a  -  Build 16 July 2000

Bug fixes

    Modification time is 2 seconds ahead of creation time on FAT32

Version 2.50  -  Build 13 June 2000

New features

    Keep window position settings from previous session
    Option to enable/disable 'Save window positions'
    Option to enable/disable 'Automatically sort result list'
    Option to repair corrupt dates (< 1980 and > 2099)
    Option to globally enable/disable Filters
    Option to globally enable/disable Exceptions
    Escape key closes Filter and Exception dialog box and discards changes
    Filter out files based on attribute settings
    Online help now available for Filter and Exception dialog boxes
    Save results list to a file


    Windows 2000 compliant
    Complete rewrote of settings/registry management
    Complete rewrote of search and processing thread
    Important speed improvements
    Cleaner registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RomainÆs Software
    Improved error handling
    Improved file handle sharing management
    Automatic registry update from any release to version 2.5 (migrates old data)
    Better self-healing mechanism
    file and folder information now shortened on Activity tab if necessary
    Root folder name now shortened on folder tab if necessary
    Improved online help
    Updated help file

Bug fixes

    Access violation when access to folder is denied (Win2K System folders)
    Random access violations under certain conditions at end of job (finally resolved)
    Size field in filter dialog now correctly displays decimal numbers without thousands formatting

Version 2.10  -  Build 6 February 2000

Bug fixes

    Fixed problem with application crash at startup on some Sistemas
    Fixed problem with unreleased file handles when filters are used
    Fixed problem adding folder entries to exception list when no file patterns are available
    Blue screen on Windows 9x when Activity tab was active at end of job


    Added display for current file on Activity and Results tab

Version 2.00  -  Build 27 January 2000

New features

    Change date and time on files
    Change date and time on folders (NT only)
    Compress and decompress files (NT only using NTFS)
    Filter options (Date, time and size)
    Include/Exclude files and folders (Supports wildcards)
    Self-healing application (Recreates missing registry entries at startup)
    Automatic registry upgrade (From version 1.10 to 2.0 with lost of current settings)
    Options to save parameters (file attributes, folder attributes, filters and exceptions)


    Restructured registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RomainÆs Software
    Online error reporting
    Updated user interface
    Updated help file

Bug fixes

    Fixed problem with folder attributes not changed when æSubfoldersÆ checkbox not checked
    Fixed problem with window position out of screen when working on resolutions < 1152 x 864

Version 1.10  -  Build 8 June 1999

New features

    Added online help

Bug fixes

    Fixed problem with saving application state

Version 1.00  -  Build 5 May 1999

    Initial release (not public)